
Neurodivergent, Resources, Parenting Teens, Education/Careers Lena McCain MA, LPC 0017723 Neurodivergent, Resources, Parenting Teens, Education/Careers Lena McCain MA, LPC 0017723

Educational Diversity: Finding the Best Fit Among Traditional, Alternative, Online, and GED Schools for My Teen in Colorado

If you’re a teen, you’re probably here because something about school isn’t working and you’re ready for a change. If you’re a parent, you’re here because you want the best for your child. Either way, welcome. I’m glad you’re here!

In this article, we'll investigate the different types of school options in Colorado and the pros and cons of each.

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Anxiety, Parenting Teens, Therapy Tools and Coping Skills Lena McCain MA, LPC 0017723 Anxiety, Parenting Teens, Therapy Tools and Coping Skills Lena McCain MA, LPC 0017723

Why Coping Skills for Your Teen Isn’t the Answer: A Parent’s Guide

Suffice it to say, the teenage years are rough. Parents fear their teens are depressed, anxious, and stressed out, but struggle with how to support them in a healthy, sustainable way.

One of the things we hear parents ask is how to provide or teach their teens coping skills. "What tools can teach my kid so they can better manage their stress and emotions?" they ask. And while we're pleased to hear that parents are trying, we also internally groan.

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Young Adults, Parenting Teens, Anxiety, Family Lena McCain MA, LPC 0017723 Young Adults, Parenting Teens, Anxiety, Family Lena McCain MA, LPC 0017723

I Just Need a Little Space: Creating Boundaries During the Holidays for Teens & Young Adults

It's that time of year again. Whether it makes you feel excited or anxious, hopeful or hollow (or any feeling in between,) the holiday season is upon us. For many of us, all of this can be overwhelming. Creating strong boundaries can help us navigate this often stressful time and help us regain that holiday joy!

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Young Adults, Parenting Teens, Perfectionsim, Anxiety, Depression Lena McCain MA, LPC 0017723 Young Adults, Parenting Teens, Perfectionsim, Anxiety, Depression Lena McCain MA, LPC 0017723

Perfectionism, Productivity, and Mental Health: Society's “Need to Succeed” Effect on Teenagers and Young Adults

Let's face it. We've grown up in a fast-paced and competitive world, where the pressure to excel and succeed has taken center stage in our lives as teenagers and young adults. The ideals of perfectionism and relentless productivity are so deeply ingrained in societal norms that it fosters an environment where the pursuit of success often overshadows any consideration for our mental well-being.

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Young Adults, Parenting Teens, Group Therapy Lena McCain MA, LPC 0017723 Young Adults, Parenting Teens, Group Therapy Lena McCain MA, LPC 0017723

The Power of Community: 10 Benefits of Teen Group Therapy

As a teen, you're surrounded by messages of what you should be. To say it's overwhelming is an understatement.

So while we all might want to wave a magic wand and "fix" everything, make the homework do itself, the drama disappear, and the painful feelings go away, we're stuck in this thing called reality. Thankfully, though, there's a space for us, a space for us to be brave, share our feelings and everyday stressors, learn coping skills that actually help, and maybe even meet new friends.

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Young Adults, Parenting Teens Lena McCain MA, LPC 0017723 Young Adults, Parenting Teens Lena McCain MA, LPC 0017723

Teenage Boredom: Anger’s Mask

It's the middle of summer, school's out, and guess what? You're bored. You might have a summer job, be taking a summer class, and even get to regularly hang out with friends, but you still find yourself listless, "stuck," or just plain apathetic.

In this month's blog post, let's dive into what feeling boredom as a young person may really mean and what hides behind it.

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Breakups: Finding Love for Yourself After the Fallout

Breakups. Sometimes they creep--a slow, terrible fracture between people who once really loved each other. Sometimes they happen suddenly, seemingly without notice, leaving you suddenly alone and heartbroken. However breakups happen, they almost always leave you with a slew of emotions: grief, sadness, anxiety, fear, loneliness, and maybe even, some guilt and shame.

So how do we navigate these feelings? Especially when we're feeling incredibly vulnerable, broken and, well, just down right shitty? We might even think How do I learn to love again?

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Mental Health, Parenting Teens Lena McCain MA, LPC 0017723 Mental Health, Parenting Teens Lena McCain MA, LPC 0017723

Your Reward System Sucks: 4 Alternative Ways to Developing a Healthy Parent-Teen Relationship

Developing a healthy parent-teen relationship can be s-t-r-e-s-s-f-u-l.

As a parent, it can be difficult to raise a teen with both compassion and firmness. As a teen, it can be hard to open up to your parents and understand their reasoning. Together, these challenges create the perfect storm for misunderstanding and distrust...and oftentimes, actually results in parents using reward systems as a punishment to try and change unwanted teen behavior.

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